Lugar para morar em Dessau

Para quem está interessado em fazer intercâmbio para Dessau no próximo semestre aconselho que:

1° - procurem o CAINT e enviem desde já o requerimento para pedido de dormitório;

2° - escolham as opções mais modestas, com menos privilégios, que em tese serão mais fáceis de serem conseguidas;

3° - enviar o requerimento com antecedência também não é garantia de que irá conseguir. Desde o início somos avisados de que a procura é muito grande. As minhas amigas enviaram o requerimento antes mesmo de receberem a resposta de intercâmbio e inicialmente receberam uma resposta negativa. Atualmente irão ficar no dormitório. Então, comecem a procurar um lugar por conta própria. Eu encontrei o meu em um desses sites abaixo, como já havia falado em outro post:,wg-zimmer.html

Fui visitar o apartamento essa semana é muito aconchegante, conservado, organizado, limpo, novinho!



4° - Estou conversando com o pessoal que vai estudar agora e muitos deles estão nessa situação de não ter onde morar. Para esclarecer melhor o que acontece segue o e-mail enviado por Tobi (namorado de Chelsea que vai fazer esse semestre de arquitetura, alemão e estudante senior da DIA)

"Some of you might be confused about the housing situation of Dessau in the dorm. So I have to explain to you the rule of German education system at all. The dorms are not related to campus in any kind! The dorms and the mensa are operated by a real estate agency called Studentenwerk Halle, which takes care about all mensas and dorms in Halle, Dessau, Köthen and Bernburg. The Campus is only responsible for the classes and that's it. Even the campus sports are not organized by DIA. You must realize that you have booked a school for your masters and not a complete package of housing and food and so on. Thats is basically the reason why studying here is so cheap compared to most of the other Master Programs. All of you are Bachelor Architects and I am sure that you can manage to find an apartment. Just some information for you guys that you are not getting a surprise about rent. All rents that are announced are Kaltmiete what is cold rent, what means that it is only the rent for the place without the facilities like water or heating. You must always calculate 30% to 50% extra for water and heating. This extra costs are no flat rate for unlimited use. It is an approximation of your use e. g. Living rooms have a temperature of 19°C, Bedrooms 16°C and bathrooms 23°C. If you want a higher temperature it will cost you more. There is a breakdown of the facility cost every year and it happened that students had to pay 1000€ extra, but this is very uncommon, but you have to have 150€ extra. Energy is never included in this costs and you will have to have an extra contract for that with 30€ per month per person when you are living alone and 25€ per month when you share an apartment. Normally you will get money back after the 1 year period and in my case it had been 150€ so I had money for the extra costs of heating.... It is allways better to pay 10€ a month too much then missing 120€ when you have to pay. All the prices are allways guessings of your use and the year you will get a calculation, so you will only pay for what you used and you will get back money or you will have to pay.

Part two of my advice: The Visa letter of DIA is only for students that are not from EU. The students from a EU country DON'T need a visa and DON'T need a blocked bank account, because you have the right to live and work where ever you want to within the european union. For you is the registration in the Bürgeramt ( citizen office) possible instead of the Ausländeramt ( foreign office). All you need is a renting contract to inform the city that you are here and you can call it good. Your european health insurance is valid as well, but to register in school you will need to have the confirmation letter of you insurance and NOT the card. This is important for all students... Don't bring the card for registration or you can go home to get the letter!!!!!
Last part: Dessau has a lot of empty housing and you have a chance to find an apartment really easy, apartments with more then 3 rooms are free in a huge variety. So take it as a chance to making an "alternative dorm." Find out how many rooms you will need and talk to the real estate managers of DWG and so on. I can help you with that. When there are a lot of students I am sure it is possible to reduce the deposit (three cold rents)

Well I wish you a good time in Dessau and don't get shocked about the beginning... like one of the professors said:" See the problems as a preparing for life... projects never run perfect!"


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